5 reasons to become a volunteer

Alice RobertsNews

Why should you volunteer with People Know How? We’ve made a list of our top 5 reasons!

Volunteering is beneficial for people of all ages, from all backgrounds and with any interests! From young people who want to enhance their CVs, adults who find they have some spare time on their hands, or retirees looking to use their skills to help the community! Here at People Know How, we’ve compiled 5 top reasons why you should consider volunteering!

1. Volunteering builds confidence

Volunteering within your local community is great for building confidence! By connecting you to others and encouraging communication, self-esteem can be improved, confidence built and interpersonal communication skills improved.

At People Know How you can build confidence in one-to-one befriending with a young person or adult. Or you can take part in our group projects such as All Aboard and Curiosity Club, which are volunteer-led and group-orientated, making them a great opportunity to build confidence, teamwork and creativity!

67% of our volunteers said that they grew in confidence during their experience 

2. Volunteering improves health and wellbeing

Volunteering can benefit your mental and physical health. You’ll help the community, interact with people from around the world, and discover new parts of the city!

Projects like Walking Befriending, part of the Reconnect service, include walking befriending, supporting an adult with gentle exercise and social interaction, while exploring Edinburgh. Similarly, Wellbeing Calls promotes creativity to support mental health.

80% of our volunteers felt that their experience with People Know How helped them to achieve personal goals

3. Volunteering enhances your CV

Volunteering can also boost your career prospects! It shows that you care about your community and have taken a proactive step to develop and apply your skills. You can also develop your organisation, teamwork and problem solving.

Whether you’re applying for your first job, considering a career change or looking to enhance a university application, volunteering experience may just set you above the rest!

We also offer Supported Work Placements, enabling people who start by volunteering to progress into paid supported work and then into mainstream employment.

4. Volunteering broadens your social circle

Volunteering is great for your social life! By volunteering for a cause that interests you, you’re likely to meet like-minded individuals with similar interests. For example, our Art Befriending attracts many creative personalities! Or perhaps you’ll meet a fellow computer buff in our Learn Digital project!

Our VIPs (volunteers, interns and placement students) come from all walks of life, and from across the globe! If you're new to Edinburgh, seeking to improve your English, or just looking to make some new friends, People Know How is the place for you!

"People Know How has given me the opportunity to learn great things! I felt like a part of a big family. Everybody is very open-minded and all ideas are welcomed. I’ve been able to learn more about myself and share different points of view with people. Definitely a great experience!

- Itziar Irigoyen, Volunteer

5. You’re making an impact!

It’s clear that volunteering holds numerous benefits on a personal level, but let’s not forget the huge impact that volunteering has on the lives of others. This year alone, People Know How has positively affected the lives of over 2000 individuals, partnering with 18 schools and 6 major universities.

Giving as little as a couple of hours of your time each week can be a huge support in the lives of individuals – from young people navigating schoolwork, social relationships and home life, to adults in need of basic digital skills, gentle exercise or simply a little social interaction.

The life-changing services that People Know How provide wouldn’t be possible with the support of volunteers, so your time really does make a difference!

Volunteer today!

Volunteer with People Know How today to support the community through a large variety of projects in our Positive Transitions service and Reconnect service. Get in touch and we can tailor make an opportunity – just for you!