Mythical Mystery Squad: helping young people prepare for secondary school

Sara BadiliniNews

As part of our adapted coronavirus support our Pupils Know How group sessions have gone digital! One of these groups is the Mythical Mystery Squad, an online adventure to unravel riddles, solve clues and embark on a magical journey across Scotland!

In order to continue supporting children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak, we adapted our Positive Transitions service projects to take place online. One of these projects is Pupils Know How, a series of groups run for children and young people across Edinburgh and East Lothian. Each group is designed from the experiences and input of young people themselves, based on aims identified during our work with them. Themes can range from art to science to the transition to secondary school.

One Pupils Know How online group was developed and delivered this summer by our ESC volunteers. Together they created an online summer camp called the Mythical Mystery Squad for two groups of P7s about to start secondary school. Each session was based around an adventure through Scotland, meeting magical creatures belonging to local folklore. The story centred on a mysterious occurrence – the unexpected disappearance of the rain. It was the young people’s task to solve this mystery. During the weekly sessions they deciphered riddles and crosswords, puzzled out letters and numbers, and carried out craft activities using the box of materials they received at home.

“It was wonderful for me to see how attentively they followed the activities we had proposed. We managed to create a space where the young people could feel comfortable.”
- Jakob, Volunteer

Overcoming the challenges of online support

Running these kinds of sessions online presented some challenges for both the facilitators and the participants. More than once, malfunctioning microphones and bad internet connections resulted in delays and changes to the original structure of the sessions. Everyone reacts differently to these minor setbacks but thanks to the engagement of the young people and a little bit of creativity, the Mythical Mystery Squad managed to accomplish their mission, bringing the rain back to Scotland and saving all the magical creatures that live in this lush land.

“Even though we had to adjust to lockdown, we managed to have fun like we were all in the same room. In the end, being online wasn’t an obstacle anymore.”
- Naia, Volunteer

Positive outcomes

The Mythical Mystery Squad proved to be a great tool to support young people transitioning to secondary school. Not only did participants take part in online activities and become more confident in front of the camera, but they also felt confident enough to share their opinions and personal experiences. Thanks to their commitment the weekly sessions turned into a safe space, where the P7s had fun, solved a few riddles and socialised with their peers.

With the start of the new school year, People Know How are developing even more new online groups to continue to support young people through this transition in these uncertain times.

Find out more about Pupils Know How