Meet Leia

Alice RobertsNews

Read Leia's story about her experience bringing art materials into befriending as an art befriender with People Know How!

Leia was introduced to People Know How by a friend, who benefited greatly from his experience volunteering as a befriender. She was keen to experience the one-to-one connection which is established through befriending and support a young person through an important stage of their life.

Leia and her befriendee mostly spend their sessions painting and creating collages, not to mention her befriendee’s favourite activity: making slime. Leia enjoys the responsibility of organising her sessions and coming up with new activities each week. In the future, she hopes to introduce acting into their sessions, after hearing from the school that her befriendee’s favourite subject is Drama.

“She’s a really shy, quiet person and when she gets to express herself creatively, it just warms my heart to see her shine.”

Leia is currently considering a change in career and believes the experience gained from befriending will help her considerably in the application process. After 4 months with People Know How, she is eager to continue her befriending relationship and support our Positive Transitions service.

“It really is a rewarding experience, when you see that smile on their face, it just really makes you happy. The more you do it and the more you get to know your befriendee, the better the relationship is.”