Meet Emily

Claudia BaldacchinoNews

Read Emily’s story about her role as Positive Transitions Coordinator, managing our Befriending project!

Emily joined People Know How in August as Positive Transitions Coordinator. She was motivated to apply because she wanted to work with organisations that make a difference, working closely with those they aim to support.

In her role, Emily coordinates our Positive Transitions service, which involves spending a lot of time working on our accredited Befriending project. This includes training befrienders, matching them with a young person and making sure everything runs smoothly.

"It’s really nice when I visit schools and the children and young people that we work with openly come up and say hello in the corridor or call me the ‘art lady’.”

Positive relationships in a young person’s life can make a great difference in helping to build confidence and self-esteem. By bringing together befrienders and befriendees through common connections, activities or simply some time to take a break, the project offers young people a safe environment and a positive role model they can trust.

“They seem to have a really positive connection with the support that we offer and they don’t see it as something to be embarrassed about. I like to think that we are helping change a culture where support is welcomed and not seen as a sign that something has gone wrong. I hope that this positive connection will encourage them to continue to ask for help when they need it throughout their lives.”