HSBC donates 735 devices

Sara BadiliniNews

HSBC has supported our Computer Delivery project with multiple large donations, allowing us to provide devices for even more homes during the pandemic.

As our Computer Delivery project continues to be in high demand, we’re also witnessing more and more acts of kindness from organisations and individuals donating devices to us. Since the April, we’ve been delivering refurbished devices to help the community face the pandemic while staying connected, accessing support and home-schooling their children. We’re now on track to deliver over 1,000 devices by the end of the year.

Connecting the community

With new referrals coming in every day, we were delighted when HSBC offered to donate a large number of devices, including computers, laptops and tablets.

HSBC is always looking for ways to increase their action in the community and this desire turned into a necessity when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. By donating to us, they have helped a large number of people to stay connected, at a time when this is more important than ever.

They first donated 146 tablets to us in June, closely followed by 270 laptops and power chargers. Most recently, we have now been informed that HSBC are donating another 319 devices. This total donation of 735 devices is the biggest we have received as part of the Computer Delivery project. Thanks to HSBC and other donors we have had a grand total of over 1,000 devices donated, enabling us to meet our target to donate 1,000 by the end of the year.

“The bank wanted to increase the amount that it gives to charity, especially around the time COVID-19 started. It became even more important to us to help people and households with donations such as this.”
- Mark Sambrook, Technical Support Service Manager at HSBC

A collaborative effort

Our IT Support Volunteers refurbish each donated device, ensuring all data is removed prior to rehoming. In this case, however, HSBC’s devices arrived fully refurbished with the latest Windows software, thanks to Computer Centre in Wakefield.

This collaborative effort has been very helpful to shorten our refurbishment time and make the Computer Delivery process for these devices a little quicker. By saving this time we can get through our waiting list a little faster. Our current record for delivering devices is 32 in one day!

“Thanks to this donation, we are now closer to reaching our goal by the end of December, all that’s left to do is to match these devices with a person based on their needs.”
- Nigel Gallear, Learn Digital Coordinator

Impacting the community

A donation like this is simply invaluable to our mission to combat digital exclusion, a contributing factor to social isolation. Each device positive impacts an individual or family, from helping parents and carers to home-school their children, to allowing vulnerable individuals to access essential resources. Following the delivery of each device, we offer phone support for set up and some recipients have also gone on to partake in our Learn Digital project, continuing along the path towards learning digital skills to improve wellbeing and social inclusion. Find out more about individual recipients’ stories in our news section.

Thank you so much HSBC for your support!

Find out more, make a referral or donate