Spanish Speaking Community Consultation
Did you know there are over 20,000-30,000 Spanish speaking people living in Edinburgh?
The consultation
Now, you may wonder why a social innovation charity gets involved in consulting the Spanish speaking community in Edinburgh. Back in 2014, three Spanish social researchers met in Edinburgh and started to think about how the Spanish Community could contribute to Edinburgh and what they could learn in return. They produced a research report that was formally launched in February 2015 at the City Chambers in Edinburgh. The report titled “The new Spanish community in Edinburgh: Situation and needs” identified a range of issues and solutions to take into consideration for the Spanish community’s integration in Scotland, but particularly in the City of Edinburgh.
After the presentation of the El Puente team’s report, many organisations agreed on holding another event involving Spanish speaking people, Scottish people, organisations and stakeholders to consider the report and how to support everyone in the process of integration.
People Know How agreed to host the event and started to contemplate the next steps towards the future gathering.
Our aim
After the release of the El Puente team’s report many issues came up as discussion points within the Spanish speaking community. People Know How was delighted and privileged to be able to take the initiative and started contacting a range of individuals, organisations and groups as we sought out those most interested in being part of an event. The main objectives of hosting an event were to:
Our method
Designing a survey
Contacting organisations
Banner & flyers
Social media and website advertising
We asked everyone if People Know How was to implement ideas discussed at the event, which ones they would most like to see taken forward: The answers were as follows: