We are People Know How

Unlocking your ideas for a better future today

We are People Know How, a Scottish charity that aims to improve wellbeing across communities by supporting people to overcome barriers and thrive. We deliver services locally in Edinburgh and the Lothians, and engage in research and campaigning to effect change on a national scale. We also provide a national digital support helpline. Our work supports all parts of the community including children, young people, families and adults.

Need help with your computer, mobile phone, tablet or nagivating the web?
Call our Digital Support Helpline:

0800 0590 690

Interning with People Know How last year was an amazing experience for me, that I will never forget. Great people with a wonderful attitude that inspire people all around them to live their potential and really make a difference. Because people DO know how.

Isabella Aluani

“The support People Know How provides for our most vulnerable students is invaluable. They treat all our pupils fairly, respectfully and with genuine care for their well-being.”

We’re a proud funder of People Know How’s innovative work. They caught our eye in the Movement for Good Awards, using both consultations in the community combined with collaborations with organisations from all across the four sectors, of business, public, third sector and academia, to create projects that really make a difference, promoting social good.

Chris Pitt
Group Corporate Responsibility Manager, Ecclesiastical

“Thank goodness for Connecting Scotland…We felt we were living in the 19th century; now we’ve joined the 21st century, and we’re enjoying every moment of it!”

Greta & Heidi, helpline callers

“I love learning something new every time I come on the boat, whether it’s about the boat, about the canal or about the passengers.” – All Aboard Volunteer

“All Aboard has been amazing in providing us with a new and interesting way for us to work with people with long-term health conditions. The pace of life whilst aboard the boat offers a wonderful perspective on the world which is both calming and restorative. There have been many highlights working with All Aboard; from our Polish group dancing to traditional Scottish music to our men’s health group enjoying a hot brew and a blether.” – Health All Round

“It’s been so helpful to access the Reconnect support in Musselburgh. I find it extremely helpful to access advice in person. I am quite wary about using social media and it is really helpful to be supported to explore options for managing privacy and safety online. I very much appreciate the welcoming approach and the knowledge and skills of the team. It feels like a good learning environment.”

I can’t speak more highly of our relationship with People Know How. Not only do they offer exciting and supportive opportunities to young people across Scotland, they are also able to tailor opportunities to suit the need of their volunteers.

Kim Maxwell
Youth Engagement Manager, Project Scotland

Volunteering with People Know How gave me the confidence I need to get the job I want. I met some really special people and I know we will remain friends for life.

Sean Britton

“Me and my befriendee are getting on really well and enjoying some online activities which often include a quiz along with other types of games. Everything is well and I feel really supported especially when it comes to new activities we can do and getting resources to my befriendee when needed.”

Cody McSkimming

I am a supporter of People Know How and their work around social inclusion, and this is a great example of what I believe is important – citizenship for all in Edinburgh.

Rt. Hon. Donald Wilson
Lord Lieutenant and Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh

I only have good words for them, they made me feel comfortable from the first to the last day and gave me the chance to collaborate on different kinds of projects. I would especially like to highlight the wonderful group of collaborators and volunteers with whom I had the pleasure of working.

Jorge López

Queen Margaret University have been working in partnership with People Know How for several years. Each year the partnership has grown from strength to strength. We now collaborate on several activities to support students to integrate theoretical and empirical values of citizenship into their practice. This is achieved through a variety of service learning and placement activities throughout the year both within PKH and in the local community. It has become an invaluable opportunity to enhancing student learning within a variety of practice contexts.

Julie Caulfield
Lecturer in Occupational Therapy/Practice Placement Coordinator, Queen Margaret University

“The services offered from People Know How are invaluable at Hermitage Park.”

People Know How provide an opportunity for volunteers to use their own skills and talents, to help others in a verity if ways; a charity that moulds round the needs of others, rather than providing a one size fits all service.

Matthew Pirie

“The benefits of Art therapy are far reaching…Art therapy gives [children] a voice. I have seen it have a positive effect on lowering anxiety and stress, as well as improving self-awareness and self-esteem.”

“The laptop provided by People Know How is way better, faster and quicker than my previous Windows 7 laptop. I hadn’t had a computer for 10 years so this has refreshed my memory. The device works perfectly, I don’t have to think before going online, I can do all this without waiting now. I do appreciate what you’ve done for me, it is boosting my confidence. I am very happy to learn if someone will teach me.”

“When I walk into People Know How for my digital group I get a big smile on my face because the support and staff here are great.”

My time at People Know How has been even better than I expected. Being able to hear directly from their service users, and research into the issue of data poverty in Scotland has made me remember why I chose to study social policy. People Know How has made me want to work even harder to address social inequality, and make a difference in the lives of people who need it most.

Murrin Wilding

People Know How is a vital lifeline to those in isolation that need support, particularly at this time of need during COVID-19 where even more people are in isolation. It’s great to know that this service is here for everyone and it is a pleasure to volunteer for them.

Ashley Roxburgh

“When we unsuccessfully looked at getting broadband over ten years ago, we never thought we’d get online. We are now doing video calls and plan to do online shopping. It’s brilliant – can’t wait to learn more!”

People Know How has given me the opportunity to learn great things! I felt like a part of a big family. Everybody is very open-minded and all ideas are welcomed. I’ve been able to learn more about myself and share different points of view with people. Definitely a great experience!

Itziar Irigoyen

It has been a pleasure working with People Know How. They made us feel so welcome from the start and were always open to new ideas and suggestions. They provided invaluable support and guidance throughout my project. I have definitely improved my confidence and communication skills throughout this experience.”

Emma Sherry
Placement student

I really enjoyed my time with People Know How, it was really clear that everyone is enthusiastic about helping people. All the staff I worked with were really encouraging of my project, especially the VIP Coordinator who was extremely approachable and willing to hear and act on any ideas I had.

Gráinne Ryan
Placement student

“Curiosity Club is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!”

Pupil, Lorne Primary School

Doing my internship here was an opportunity for me to improve my English level, get new professional skills such as leadership, teamwork and organisation, and for my personal development as well. I totally recommend this experience. You will meet new people from all nationalities and live in Edinburgh, which is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Alicia Sancho

“It’s so relaxing, you’d never think we’re a few minutes from the centre of town.”

People Know How has offered me a space to explore my interests. More importantly, in the team I have met excellent colleagues, exceptional people and very good friends.

Enara Eizagirre

“I needed help to make my tablet a backup source of navigation software to use on my boat. Andrew and Callum helped me download charts and a navigation app to make the system work. They were knowledgeable and showed me how the procedure worked.”

“I was anxious about calling the Helpline as I didn’t know what to expect, but you were really helpful, and if I had another problem, I would feel confident calling again.”

“You have reconnected me to the outside world again! You never know how much you miss something until it’s gone!”

“Who wouldn’t want to go on a barge trip down the canal? Paint graffiti walls? It’s a chance to learn new skills…and it’s also a lovely way of meeting, not only young people, but other people who are in the same boat; other befrienders, the staff in here. We have so many befrienders, and whether that be the social work students, whether that be the art befrienders, People Know How just feel like part of the Hermie family now!”

I can’t thank People Know How enough for their support and guidance during my placement. They do an amazing job for young people and students alike. Miren Ochoa’s commitment, creativity and positive energy made me feel empowered to practice in a child-centred way. I have learnt so much from this fantastic opportunity!

Luke Suddaby
Placement Student