Alcohol Consultation
During 2017 over 400 people in Edinburgh completed our Alcohol Survey sharing their thoughts on how other peoples' alcohol use impacted on them
The Consultation
We invited people to take part in our consultation that looked at how people in Edinburgh viewed the effects of other peoples' alcohol consumption on them. This was an opportunity for the public to have their say around alcohol related issues, in the City. We conducted the consultation on with the Edinburgh Alcohol & Drug Partnership, at no cost.
Edinburgh Alcohol and Drug Partnership (EADP) oversees the development and implementation of an alcohol and drug strategy for the city. It is a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, Scottish Prison Service, the third sector, other strategic bodies and those with lived experience of addiction and recovery. It is the forum where these organisations work together to make Edinburgh a city that has a healthy attitude towards drinking and where recovery from problem alcohol or drug use is a reality.
The EADP strategy has three high level outcomes:
Children and young people’s health and wellbeing are not damaged by alcohol and drugs.
Individuals and communities affected by alcohol and drugs are stronger and safer.
Fewer people develop problem drug/alcohol use and more people (and their families) are in recovery.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey.

"Findings based on 292 responses. After the analysis above the sample rose to over 400 with no significant change to the findings."