We’ve launched our VIP Strategy, outlining our commitment to providing a rewarding experience for our VIPs (volunteers, interns and placement students).
All hands on deck
Katie volunteers on our All Aboard canal boat as part of our award-winning crew, supporting us to run trips on the Union Canal for community groups and organisations
Supporting our communities
We recently sat down with Alex, our first Learning in the Community placement student from the University of Edinburgh, to chat about his time supporting our services.
Thank you volunteers
Our volunteers have been part of People Know How since its inception and are integral to our growth and achievements within Edinburgh and the Lothians. This Volunteers Week we’re celebrating over 10 incredible years of VIPs.
Carl’s internship
Carl spent a month at People Know How, supporting our Reconnect and Positive Transitions services as part of Professionals UK internship.
A career-changing opportunity
After completing her International Business Management degree at Heriot-Watt University, Natalia joined People Know How as a volunteer, passing her knowledge onto our digital groups.
Artistic visions
Art therapy students on placement from Queen Margaret University created art therapy groups supporting young people in Edinburgh schools.
Befriending buddies
Through befriending sessions, Theresa helped Eilidh find her confidence and learn new skills.
Minecrafting friendships
Volunteer Emma wanted to utilise her spare time and give back to her community. Through volunteering with our Positive Transitions service, she helped Rhuraidgh to grow his confidence through playful sessions.
Playful performances
Placement students Imogen and Yvonne used games and an action-focused approach to drama therapy to help one child find new confidence through a dramatised character created in their sessions.
Lifelong connections
Through volunteering at People Know How, Callum found a way to merge his love for customer service, digital technology and helping those in need through being a Digital Support Volunteer.
Music makes memories
Placement student Fraser helped one young child tackle his fears, concerns and build on his relationship with his mum, all through the power of music.
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