Research database
Welcome to People Know How's research database. Here you can browse our articles, linking academic literature to our own findings from consultations and action in the community, creating an accessible database for all of the third sector.

Jul 2022
How are community organisations supporting people with data connectivity?
The findings and analysis of People Know How’s recent research which underlined the relative lack of knowledge and awareness about data connectivity and available support.…

Sep 2021
Regulating Connectivity: an analysis of domestic and international approaches
An analysis of domestic and international approaches to regulating connectivity, in response to action point one of the Connectivity Now campaign.…

Apr 2021
Social Innovation Model: Positive Transitions
An examination of how People Know How’s Social Innovation Model is used to develop and deliver Reconnect, supporting adults and families to improve wellbeing.…

Apr 2021
Music therapy online
This article explores how music therapy can be adapted to be conducted online and how it can best be facilitated.…

Apr 2021
Exploring the intricacies of a national tech support helpline
This article explores the intricacies of a national technical support helpline like the Connecting Scotland helpline run by People Know How.…

Apr 2021
Volunteering during a pandemic
Exploring volunteering during a pandemic and reflecting on the influx of volunteers that People Know How experienced.…

Nov 2020
Social Innovation Model: Reconnect
An examination of how People Know How’s Social Innovation Model is used to develop and deliver Reconnect, supporting adults and families to improve wellbeing.…

Nov 2020
Progressing towards face-to-face meetings after lockdown
This article examines potential challenges of the return to face-to-face meetings following COVID-19 lockdown.…

Nov 2020
Parent and carer engagement with children’s digital lives
This article employs a human rights based framework to investigate the preparedness of parents and carers in engaging digitally with their child.…

Nov 2020
Body image, social media & young people
This article considers the role of social media and images within online platforms on the body image and self-esteem development of young people.…

Nov 2020
Art therapy online
This article discusses the important points to consider to maintain an effective therapeutic relationship when adapting art therapy to take place online.…

Oct 2020
Digital exclusion: Internet access and affordability
Explores digital exclusion and the barriers for a lack of internet access in the home.…

Sep 2020
The impact of COVID-19 on young people
Examining the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on young people and how they can be best supported by charities like People Know How.…

Sep 2020
Facilitating a successful primary-secondary transition
This briefing reviews international evidence of the determining factors for a successful transition from primary to secondary school.…

Sep 2020
A review of Scottish Government plans for primary to secondary school transitions
This briefing reviews the Scottish Government’s plans to ease the primary to secondary school transition and highlights key factors to be considered.…

Aug 2020
Engaging fathers in support for children and young people
Examining contemporary child development literature on the subject of father involvement in children’s education and upbringing, and associated life outcomes.…

Aug 2020
Connecting Everyone: 100% Digital Inclusivity by 2028
Reviewing the approach of Good Things Foundation as outlined in their blueprint, in connection to the work of People Know How, in tackling digital exclusion.…

Aug 2020
The new normal: video meetings, mental health and anxiety
This research briefing evaluates the impact of online meetings upon mental health and inequality in the wake of COVID-19.…

Aug 2020
The difficulties for children in the transition from primary school to secondary school in Scotland
This research briefing explores existing literature on the transition from primary school to secondary school for pupils in Scotland.…

Aug 2020
Supporting volunteers through best practice: People Know How and “Investing in Volunteers”
One year on from People Know How’s appointment of a dedicated VIP Coordinator, this briefing explores best practice for volunteer support.…

Jul 2020
The effectiveness of telephone befriending
This research briefing examines how canal boats can be used as a tool for community engagement as well as in education; particularly outdoor learning.…

Jul 2020
How can canal boats be used in community engagement and education?
This research briefing examines how canal boats can be used as a tool for community engagement as well as in education; particularly outdoor learning.…

Jul 2020
Academia and charities sharing resources and knowledge
Discussing the potential for generating socially impactful projects and research through sharing resources and knowledge in charity-academia partnerships.…

Jun 2020
Connect more: creating effective partnerships with the charity sector
To tackle rising costs and enhance positive outcomes, charities are turning to partnership work. This briefing examines what such partnerships could look like.…

Jun 2020
Charities working collaboratively
This briefing explores charity collaboration as a solution to the current social and economic issues facing the third sector.…

Jun 2020
Online group support and wellbeing services for adults
Reviewing relevant research and latest practice around online support groups and wellbeing services for adults.…

May 2020
An evaluation of the resources for home fitness
Evaluating resources that are widely available for home fitness as part of People Know How’s Walking Befriending project research.…

May 2020
Combating digital exclusion
This briefing considers the problem of digital exclusion, especially in the age of social isolation and COVID-19, and how it should be combated.…

May 2020
Online support and therapeutic interventions: research and practice
Exploring the advantages and disadvantages of online support and therapeutic interventions, with particular focus on the COVID-19 pandemic.…

Apr 2020
What activities have the best health outcomes?
This briefing looks at the evidence for which kinds of activities have the best outcomes for our physical and mental health.…

Apr 2020
The impact of gaming on children and young people
Exploring the potential positive and negative impacts of gaming on children and young people, with focus on the game Fornite in particular.…

Dec 2019
Outdoor learning & young people, away from the classroom
This research briefing delves into the subject of outdoor learning away from the classroom, its benefits, evaluation and continuation.…

Nov 2019
The underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Examining the the underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).…

Oct 2019
Social Innovation & People Know How
Society faces various issues every day, with different sectors creating their own solutions. Often, these solutions are a band aid which does not tackle the root causes that exist in the first place. By creating a collaborative environment, socially innovative ideas can not only be created but also implemented in…

Aug 2019
How can occupational therapy be used to support people in schools?
Exploring misconceptions students hold about career choice, variables affecting career planning, and solutions to engage all students in the lead up to post school transitions.…

Aug 2019
Digital exclusion of homeless people
The world is getting progressively digitalised but this is causing a greater exclusion for those living on the streets.…

Jul 2019
Why we need career conversations for positive transitions
Exploring misconceptions students hold about career choice, variables affecting career planning, and solutions to engage all students in the lead up to post school transitions.…

Jun 2019
Empowering children and young people through engagement with STEM
As children develop toward adolescence, neurological changes occur in the brain that heighten their inherent curiosity and ability to think critically. In order to utilise these new abilities effectively, young adults must be internally motivated. They must learn because it feels good, not just because they want to get an…

Jun 2019
Elderly people and digital inclusion
The Research Briefing explores literature based on the befriending and mentoring relationships and evaluate the evidence base for this topic.…

Jun 2019
Is technology of benefit to homeless individuals?
The Research Briefing explores literature based on the befriending and mentoring relationships and evaluate the evidence base for this topic.…

Jun 2019
Can occupational therapy methods support voluntary befrienders to develop meaningful relationships with young people?
Exploring literature based on the befriending and mentoring relationships and evaluate the evidence base for this topic.…

Jun 2019
Exploring the merits of adopting a shared model of practice
This article aims to critically explore literature on shared models of practice that voluntary organisations have adopted, and to explore the associated merits of doing so.…

Apr 2019
The adoption and usage of digital technology by the elderly
This article examines the limitations and benefits of the use of digital technologies by the elderly, and offering solutions to promote its acceptance and usage.…

Apr 2019
Parental involvement with schools & learning: an exploration of five key aspects
Exploring how parents feel about getting involved in children’s learning, both at home and at school, and what schools can do to help.…

Mar 2019
Outdoor Journeys: relevance within practice for children and young people
Exploring the underlying evidence to underpin the implementation of the Outdoor Journeys programme with children and young people.…

Jan 2019
Substance misuse recovery: an digital technology be used to support the process?
Exploring how digital technology can be used to support substance misuse recovery, maintaining abstinence and improving quality of life.…

Jan 2019
What are the benefits of green (and blue) space?
Exploring the benefits of green (and blue space), to physical and mental health, and the factors that influence this.…

Mar 2018
An exploration of parental engagement in primary schools
Critically exploring the literature on parental engagement in primary schools in the UK and Ireland, looking specifically at the barriers to engagement and how these could possibly be overcome.…

Dec 2017
The effects of parental substance misuse on the lives of children & young people
Examining the effects of parental substance misuse on the lives of children and young people, with particular attention to its effects on children’s educational attainment.…

Dec 2017
Befriending and family learning
Explaining the benefits of using befriending to facilitate a family learning project.…

Dec 2017
Digital participation and disability
To improve digital participation of adults with disabilities the legislation needs to be enforced and grants should be created to provide assistive technology.…

Aug 2017
What are the vital ingredients required for local people to come together and make positive social change?
These findings explore the best practices within the government and the third sector to help encourage citizens to participate in their communities.…

Sep 2016
Social isolation and Scotland’s older people
The issue of social isolation in older people needs further research, but we do know it is fairly common and seemingly more so amongst ethnic minorities.…

Aug 2016
Outreach for at risk incoming secondary students
The transition from primary to secondary school is a crucial time for a young person. Scotland needs more services focused on positive transitions.…

Aug 2016
Young people’s primary to secondary school transitions: influences & effects
The transition from primary to secondary school can be a stressful time for young people. Poverty, education and anti-social behaviour are linked.…