This article examines the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on young people and how they can be best supported by charities like People Know How. As a result of the pandemic, young people have had to deal with lockdown restrictions, adapt to remote education, online counselling services and the thought of an uncertain future. While some appear to have enjoyed spending more time with family and on hobbies, others have experienced severe changes to their mental and physical wellbeing. Vulnerable young people have suffered the most; with increased levels of anxiety and depression, a loss of safe and private spaces, and fears of falling behind in school. Furthermore, spending more time online has made young people more exposed to exploitation and peer pressure. However, social media has similarly provided a necessary means of communication with friends and family. People Know How has successfully adapted all of its services to the online environment. The briefing notes the value of People Know How listening to the voices of young people in tailoring their services to their concerns and the importance of continuing with this approach.