This article reviews the Scottish Government’s plans to ease the primary to secondary school transition and highlights key factors to be considered for the transition to be as successful as possible. As People Know How are running projects as part of the Positive Transitions Service to support young people ahead of and throughout the transitional period, this briefing provides further evidence for the value of this service. It is found that multiple factors impact the transition experience, including socio-economic status, emotional well-being, relationships with peers and teachers and the amount of preparation for increased independence. Existing research commonly infers that pupil’s academic attainments suffer after transitioning to secondary school and that many feel unprepared for entering secondary school. The Scottish Government plan to improve transitioning through increasing funding to councils, with more funding awarded in light of COVID-19. The pandemic has further entrenched existing issues in transitioning and served to decrease digital exclusion as more families have had to rely on home technology to home-school their children. Efforts to improve the readiness for the transition will greatly impact upon the lives of young children in Scotland.