Meet Jamie

Alice RobertsNews

Read Jamie's story about his experience supporting a young person through the transition into high school as a befriender with People Know How!

Jamie joined us as a befriender in March 2018 to support our Positive Transitions serviice. In this time, he has established a great relationship with his young befriendee, helping him to overcome social difficulties at school and feel more prepared for his transition into High School.

After experiencing some personal difficulties of his own in his final few years of high school, Jamie wanted to support young people who may be facing similar issues and use his experience to offer guidance and support.

"For me the befriending is as much about helping them as it is about helping yourself.”

Over time, Jamie and his befriendee have developed a preference for going for simple walks in the playground. The hour-long session allows the perfect amount of time for them to step outside, enjoy some fresh air and have a relaxed chat about the things going on in their lives.

“We walk around the block twice, and that takes us for the full session. And that seems like the perfect thing to do for us. It’s very relaxing just to walk and chat.”

Jamie is currently studying towards a Psychology degree with the Open University. He hopes that his experience with People Know How will help enhance his interpersonal skills and support his job applications after graduation.