Launching Music Therapy

Alice RobertsNews

On Friday 4 October we began delivering Music Therapy sessions at Leith Academy.

The Music Therapy segment of ours Arts Therapies project, in partnership with Queen Margaret University, was launched under our Positive Transitions Service, which supports children, young people and families across Edinburgh.

A safe space

After the success of the Art Therapy segment of the project, we were enthused when Music Therapist Réiltín Nic Chárthaigh Dúill brought this project to our attention and delighted to work with her to turn this idea into a reality. In a similar vein to art therapy, music therapy provides a safe and supportive space, allowing pupils to express themselves through creativity.

Réiltín is currently undertaking her Masters Degree in Music Therapy, and is at People Know How on placement from Queen Margaret University. She will be applying her skills to run one-to-one sessions with students who require a little more support during school hours.

“I hope music therapy can provide each of my clients a way to channel difficulties they might be experiencing that are too difficult to be expressed through words for them at this time.” -
- Réiltín Nic Chárthaigh Dúill

Expression through creativity

The sessions are designed to be predominantly student-led and can consist of many different types of music making. Pupils can improvise with instruments such as percussion and voice, or even get creative and write song lyrics of their own! The project aims to give children and young people the freedom to express themselves in whichever way comes most naturally.

Réiltín started her musical journey aged 4, learning violin at the Royal Conservatoire. Soon after, she began teaching herself piano before taking up lessons at age 10.

Great work Réiltín, we can’t wait to see music therapy develop!