As a result of receiving support to learn new digital skills, Jim was able to find a new career and regain confidence through helping others.
Finding work has its challenges, especially when that process requires learning new digital skills. With these skills and an internet connection comes access to job search engines, Word processing to create CVs, online job applications and more. Learning to use devices and navigate the online world, therefore, has become an increasingly vital link between financial security, professional opportunities, personal wellbeing, and social inclusion.
Jim experienced homelessness for part of his life and found housing just seven months prior to connecting with People Know How. He owned a device and has access to a public hotspot for internet use. However, his circumstances had left him lacking both personal and digital confidence.
Gaining knowledge, gaining confidence
Jim was referred to our Reconnect service by his work coach from the Department of Work and Pensions. Reconnect is our accredited service offering support to adults and families in Edinburgh and East Lothian to help them improve wellbeing by increasing digital and social inclusion. It provides a supportive environment to reduce social isolation through building digital skills and maintaining connections.
Jim attended the weekly digital group at our Ferry Road office in Edinburgh and was supported by Digital & Wellbeing Coordinator, Filip. He received a MiFi, providing him with connectivity to allow him to access the internet.
Over the course of his visits to our digital groups, Jim learned to write a CV, register with healthcare professionals, and use his device to watch videos and read materials in preparation for interviews. He was soon able to appreciate the invaluable working and personal experience he already possessed and received an invite to interview. Through his hard work, dedication, and openness to learning, Jim secured a job as a support worker.

The ripple effect
Jim starts his new role very soon and we cannot wait to see how he progresses. Like so many of those we support, his journey demonstrates social innovation in action and is a great reminder of the importance of investing in our local community. Bridging the digital divide means affecting not only the lives of individuals but of the wider community and those lives touched by its ripple effects.
Jim is very keen to continue his attendance of the digital group and his participation in our online courses. We look forward to hearing more from him as his skills and confidence grow!