Rab joined our digital group at Easter Road Stadium in the summer of 2023. Thanks to the support of our Reconnect service he’s conquered his fears and is taking on the digital world one website at a time.
Digital exclusion can be a reality for anyone. When digital technology was first introduced, Rab didn’t see how it would benefit him, but as he got older and technology became more intertwined with daily life, he found himself feeling left behind. Now he is restricted from services that he wouldn’t previously have needed digital for, such as communicating with friends and family, accessing healthcare and engaging with social opportunities.
Our Reconnect service has helped thousands of people to improve their digital inclusion and wellbeing since its inception and continues to find new and innovative ways to help people discover the joys of digital. Through digital groups and over-the-phone support through the free Connecting Scotland Digital Support Helpline, we provide a supportive environment to reduce social isolation through building digital skills and maintaining connections, helping people to stay connected, improve financial health, increase employability, access resources and more.
Digital lessons
Rab attends our digital group in Easter Road Stadium, which we run in partnership with the Hibernian Community Foundation. When he first started attending, he was digitally and socially isolated; he did not have a smartphone or a device that could connect to the internet. We provided him with a mobile phone, but he had no experience using a phone or a touchscreen. But that did not stop Rab, as his keen attitude to learn was apparent and growing each week.
Our digital groups create an environment where everyone supports each other, striving to improve everyone’s digital literacy. At first, Rab was unsure of what he could do with his new devices, but Digital & Wellbeing Worker Craig and Intern Eszter worked with Rab to find out what he would benefit most from learning about and what he enjoyed.

After some initial guidance, it was clear that Rab preferred to learn by doing and he began coming to groups full of questions and new discoveries from integrating digital into his life. When he couldn’t attend a group, he learnt to take his questions to the internet using Google to discover the millions of people in a similar position, striving to help each other with their digital woes. .
The power of digital
The internet is a powerful tool. Questions and answers are only a few keystrokes away, as well as opportunities to learn, interact and share knowledge with people you could never imagine having met. But without access to and support from services like Reconnect, many people in similar situations to Rab don’t get the chance to discover it.
Rab has grown in confidence since he first came to our group in 2023. He now attends a book club and uses his phone or tablet to search for books and compare prices. He has also adapted the internet to suit his needs, using YouTube not only as an entertainment platform but also as a tool through which to learn new things.
Reconnect continues to be a pivotal service across Edinburgh and the Lothians. Our digital groups provide a community space where you can learn about digital, meet new people and share what you're passionate about.